Relational Music Therapy: An Intersubjective Perspective

  • Relational Music Therapy: An Intersubjective Perspective
  • Author: Trondalen, Gro
  • ISBN: 9781937440183
  • E-ISBN: 9781937440190

An exploration of the myriad relational dimensions of music therapy. An intersubjective perspective is highlighted in examining how therapeutic change may come about though non-verbal relational processes at a micro-level. These processes are illustrated through psychotherapeutic work in individual and group settings, including expressive and receptive music therapy methods. The scientific basis is interpretative phenomenology, while exploring philosophical, theoretical, and clinical sources to engage with the nature of music therapy micro-processes. The book may be interesting to theoretician and clinicians alike.




Introduction Interpretative phenomenology 

Chapter 1: The Relational Turn  
Chapter 2:  Intersubjectivity
Chapter 3: Development as a Dialogical Continuum  
Chapter 4: Implicit Relational Knowing
Chapter 5: Vitality
Chapter 6: Synchronization and Affect Attunement
Chapter 7: Affect Integration and Mentalization
Chapter 8 Self, Intersubjectivity, and Recogntion 
Chapter 9: The Music Therapy Relationship
Chapter 10: The Relational Music Therapist
Chapter 11: Life World Existentials: Themes of Meaning. 
Chapter 12: Musical Intersubjectivity
Chapter 13: Power and Responsibility
Chapter 14: Ethics
